In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, serving the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, HOTEL BOUTIQUE EDELWEISS informs us that it is the owner of the website: In accordance with the requirements of article 10 of the aforementioned Law, notify the following information: NIF/CIF: B55215800, Mercantile Registry of BARCELONA. Tom: 44791, Full: 17, Secció, 8, Fulla: B 467652, and registered office: ROSELLO D' AMUNT, 9. 08530 LA GARRIGA, BARCELONA. The email address to contact the company is:

Navigation through access to the website and all the subdomains and directories including only the domain name, also with the services or continguts that through it is possible to obtain and all the domain portals of its own sota ownership of HOTEL BOUTIQUE EDELWEISS , grants the User Conditions, by which you accept, in browsing the HOTEL BOUTIQUE EDELWEISS website, all the conditions of your use that are established without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legally binding regulations according to the case

Therefore, if the detailed considerations in this legal notice are not of the conformity, ask not faci úss of the portal, since qualsevol ús que faci del mateix or els serveis and continguts in it will even imply the acceptance of the legal terms collected in this text.
The HOTEL BOUTIQUE EDELWEISS website provides great diversity of information, services and information. The user assumes responsibility for the correct use of the website. This responsibility will concern: The veracity and legality of the information provided by the user in the registration forms and contact of HOTEL BOUTIQUE EDELWEISS, to access certain continguts or serve offers on the website.
The use of information, services and data offered by, HOTEL BOUTIQUE EDELWEISS do not violate the provisions of these clauses, the Law, morality, bones customs or public order that may presume harm to the rights of third parties or the functioning of the web locks. For these purposes, the User will refrain from using any of the contents with purposes that are illegal or prohibited in this text, harm the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way could damage, deactivate, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the continguts, of other Users or of any Internet user (machinery and programming).
Users will be liable for any damage and harm of any kind that the entity that owns the website may cause, directly or indirectly, as a result of non-compliance with any of the obligations derived from the use of the Website and this policy. of privacy.
In particular, the title is merely indicative and not exhaustive, the User undertakes not to transmit, distribute or make available to third parties any information, data, contingencies, errors, graphics, drawings, archives of his or her images, photographs of this website.